What is Growth Hacking and Digital Marketing?

Difference Between Growth Hacking and Digital Marketing

Every company has to expand and grow in its field of expertise. This is not a simple ride, however, as firms frequently battle with customer acquisition and retention, necessitating the use of sales and marketing. You've probably heard the terms "growth hacking" and "digital marketing" in marketing. But what exactly do the phrases mean? 

A growth hacker's work description is quite similar to that of a digital marketer, according to the internet. On the surface, the differences between the two are difficult to discern. But don't be fooled: they're not the same.

To help you grasp the differences between growth hacking and digital marketing, both are used in marketing and follow the same logic of experimentation, innovation, and analytics to achieve the desired results. Despite having comparable aims in terms of corporate growth, the two are very different in many aspects.

What is Growth Hacking?

This entails carrying out each step of the sales funnel, as well as additional techniques for promoting business growth. Growth hackers focus on business growth across the board, not only in marketing, but in every department, which is a prevalent paradigm in start-ups. They not only employ traditional marketing techniques, but also devise innovative ones in order to recruit and retain customers at a minimal cost.

While growth hacking may appear to be just basic marketing, this process also encompasses:

  • Creative marketing
  • Data and experiments
  • Automation and Engineering

These people harbour a combination of unique qualities including;

  • They are tech-savvy
  • Hugely rely on data-driven results
  • Are creative and eager to learn
  • Has a wide array of knowledge but has dominant skills.

Growth hackers work in a variety of departments such as marketing, sales, and product development. They do not limit their responsibilities and will go to any length to stimulate the necessary growth. Rather than attempting to fit a product/service into the needs of the consumer, they are focused on how to propel the company forward.

This one-of-a-kind goal necessitates the hiring of someone who is technologically savvy, well-versed in marketing, and committed to the company as a co-founder. Rather than focusing on specific marketing objectives, they wear many hats in order to achieve overall growth.

What is Digital Marketing?

With the current technology advancements, business owners have no choice but to convert to internet marketing techniques. The promotion of services and products via online platforms such as social media and Google is known as digital marketing. It primarily focuses on raising brand awareness, attracting new customers, and maintaining a customer-brand relationship.

In the first step of the sales funnel, awareness, where prospects need to know that a brand, service, or product exists, digital marketing is popular.

Digital marketers use a wide range of strategies that might involve;


  • Improving inbound marketing by using SEO strategies
  • Nurturing and building social media networks
  • Thought leadership strategies to emphasize the credibility of a brand, product or services
  • Email marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Paid Search (PPC)

Digital marketing has not only proven itself effective but also a necessity especially in this internet age.

Similarities between Growth Hacking and Digital Marketing

  • Both employ different strategies aimed at improving brand, product or service awareness

Differences between Growth Hacking and Digital Marketing

When it comes to results, growth hackers thrive on data-driven outcomes. Everything a growth hacker conducts is based on the outcome of a test that he or she has put up. What's important to remember is that growth hackers must monitor the company's performance in order to adjust their strategies for success.

A growth hacker performs the same thing to enhance the outcomes in every part of the firm, just as a digital marketer would track the effectiveness of a particular blog and then modify and update the material to better the results.

Digital marketing refers to the marketing of services and products through online platforms such as social media and Google.


Growth hackers focus on the growth of not only the marketing department but also every other department in a business. On the other hand, digital marketers focus on increasing brand awareness, acquiring new consumers and maintaining a relationship between consumers and a brand.

Technical background

While growth hackers have a technical background and are hence tech-savvy, digital marketers may not have a technical background hence are not tech-savvy.

Sales funnel process

While growth hackers focus on the whole sales funnel, digital marketing focuses on the acquisition of consumers.

Data-driven approach

Growth hackers rely on data-driven results by consistently measuring, testing and optimizing methods used. On the other hand, digital marketers use assumptions to optimize their next process.

Summary of Growth Hacking vs. Digital Marketing

Growth hacking is a relatively new marketing method that is quickly gaining traction among companies of all sizes. It makes no difference whether you're a small, medium, or huge company; growth hacking is for everyone. It's a more sophisticated method of recruiting customers that's also incredibly cost-effective. It entails putting multiple techniques into action at each stage of the sales funnel. Digital marketing, on the other hand, is a type of marketing in which marketers promote products and services using social media platforms, search engines, and other means. A marketer's goal, on the other hand, is quite comparable to a growth hacker's goal. Both of them intend to increase customer acquisition as well as sales at some point in the future.


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